Wednesday, September 25, 2013

After the lab.....

Tonight you need to complete Table 1, 2, and 3 in your lab report.  Tomorrow you will all share your data so that we can calculate class averages.  After that you will have more time to work on your lab.

And here we all are collecting the samples!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lab Preparation

For tonight's homework please preview the lab linked below.  Be sure to read through procedures and enter your hypothesis.  You will need to make a copy to save this to your drive so that you can edit.

 Water Quality Comparison Lab

Also, you should have the reading from last night completed.  This is on Aquatic Ecosystems p. 74-85 completed with Active Reading and Vocabulary.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Get excited!  Tomorrow morning we are heading out to collect water from 2 different local water sources.  Please dress for the weather and arrive to class on time!

We will follow up with a lab in class on Wednesday.

Tonights homework:
in your textbook: pg 74-85 Active Reading and Vocab.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Eutrophication Notes

Below you will find abbreviated notes from Friday's lesson on Eutrophication.

Eutrophication Notes

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Introduction to the pond ecosystem

Click on the link below to participate in a class discussion about the health of a pond ecosystem.

Pond Question

For homework, click on the link below.  View only slides  1-9 and comment on these slides.

Intro to Eutrophication

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Energy Transfer and Food Webs

Tonight you will create a food web in Lucid Chart on your assigned ecosystem.  Make sure to save the chart to google drive and then SHARE the chart and Megan and Audrey.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Biotic or abiotic?

This image may help you understand the levels of organization within an ecosystem.

Click on the link to the presentation below.  You must "make a copy" and save in your drive with the assignment title and your name.  Then follow the instructions on the presentation.

Biotic or Abiotic activity

Friday, September 13, 2013

Earth's Spheres Flow Chart

Click on the link below to open the doc that will help make sure you include all of the required elements on your flow chart.

Earth Sphere Flow Chart

Also, click the next link to access the website for creating your own flow chart:
Lucid Chart

Lucid Chart will ask you to create a free account, use your school email for this.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Earth's Spheres

For homework tonight, September 12th:

Do your best to create a visual diagram of sorts that demonstrates the interconnectedness of Earth spheres.  Get create!  You can't do this wrong! Just try......

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Welcome Parents

Greetings Parents,
Thank you for taking the time to visit our class blog.  You may want to bookmark this site to check in on relevant class activities, useful links, or online assignments.

Here is a link to the 8th Grade Environmental Science overview.

Environmental Science Overview

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Homework 9.10.2013

Please visit the Earth Spheres Blendspace (link on right of this page) and view slides 1-3.  Add a comment on the blendspace by clicking the icon on the right that looks like a blue thought bubble or comic dialogue box.  Here, you will be prompted with a question to respond to.  You only have to comment on slides 2 and 3.

Great class today!!  We observed a great deal of creative problem solving and vigorous discussions.

Initial ideas on Environmental Science

Here are some of your great ideas on the first day of class!

link to image in wordle