Friday, December 13, 2013

Holiday Sing and ACDS Store

Holiday Sing at Harris Hall, Friday December 20th

9:30 arrival students
10:00 Sing starts @Harris Hall

ACDS Store Hours

Friday, December 13

2:30pm -3:30pm

Monday, December 16


2:30pm -3:30pm

Thursday, December 19


2:30pm -3:30pm

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Midterm Study Guide

Here is a link to the midterm study guide.  This may be modified in the future so be sure to check back in a day or so to see if there are changes.

Midterm Study Guide

* Be ready to present with your group on Thursday.  This may require you to meet with your group before then go to over rolls for the presentation.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Homework 12/3/2013

Excellent job on the Global Commons Socratic Seminar.  Your ideas and arguments were based in research, passionately delivered, and respectfully articulated.

Tonight's homework is a two-part assignment.

1) Complete a self-assessment of your participation throughout the Socratic Seminar on Global Commons.  Click on the link below and fill out the rubric based on your performance.

Global Commons Socratic Seminar

2) Read chapter 5 in the Global Issues book and complete questions relating to this reading.

Global Issues Ch 5 reading

Global Issues Ch 5 Qs

Don't forget to share your documents with your teachers!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Global Issues Chapter 4

For homework tonight, read Chapter 4 in our Global Issues book.  Make a copy of the CH 4 Qs and complete.  When done, share your answers with your teachers.

Global Issues Ch 4

Global Issues Ch 4 Qs