Friday, January 30, 2015

Greenhouse Effect textbook entry

You have just been hired by a new textbook company.  Your job is to write the section on the Greenhouse Effect for a similar 8th Grade class.  Please write a passage describing all you know about this natural processes as well as the significance of the Greenhouse Effect to climate change and human activity.  You will be assessed using the SAME RUBRIC as your Greenhouse Effect project.
* make it accurate
* make it visual
* make it detailed
* make it easy to understand

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Signs From Earth

Signs From Earth reading - National Geographic 2004

For homework Monday (1/26) read and take notes on the 1st page of EcoSigns

For homework Thursday and Friday (1/22-1/23) Read and take notes on the "GeoSigns: The Big Thaw" section. This includes the first 5 pages of the article.

Greenhouse Effect Project

Greenhouse Effect Project Description and Rubric

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Its Carbon

Watch these videos on Carbon (Episodes 1-5, excluding episode 3...strangely blocked from youtube).
Then answer the questions linked below.

Carbon Video Qs

Friday, January 16, 2015

What's Behind Greenhouse Gases? --> The Atom

Watch the videos in the blendspace linked below.  COMMENT on each slide to show that you are actively engaged and learning something new.

*You will need to sign in with your google account in order to comment (once you sign in you may have to re-enter the site from the blog)

*You need to comment in order to recieve credit for this assignment.

Videos on the Atom

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Atom

homework: finish this section, we read up to 162 in class.  So, read and take notes on p. 162-165!

The Atom Reading

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Climate Change + homework

Homework 1/14: Read pages 248-251 take jot notes
Homework 1/8: Read pages 244-248 take jot notes
Homework 1/7: Read pages 240-245 and take jot notes

Climate Change Reading

In class video: Published on Oct 30, 2013 by BBC
A two part documentary presented by Sir David Attenborough - The Truth About Climate Change.