Monday, March 9, 2015

Alternative Energy Project

Alternative Energy Project Description/Rubric

How much does my energy source cost?

Fossil Fuels - Why is your alternative energy better than fossil fuels?  Read this to determine what works and what doesn't when we burn fossil fuels for energy.  Take jot notes to be used later on in your presentation.

Alternative Energy Research Starter
* All research notes and letter to KarmaKarmel are due April 13th
Solar (Energy for Keeps),    Solar (pearson)     Solar (textbook entry) - Stian (PV), Peyton (Parabolic)

Wind (Energy for Keeps),    Wind (pearson)    Wind (textbook entry) - Phin

Ocean (Energy for Keeps),   Ocean (pearson) - Brooke, Sophia

Geothermal (Energy for Keeps),    Geothermal (pearson)    Geothermal (textbook entry) - Eliza

Hydropower (Energy for Keeps),    Hydropower (pearson)    Hydropower (textbook entry) - Sophie

Hydrogen Fuel Cell (Energy for Keeps),    Hydrogen (pearson)   Hydrogen (textbook entry) - Miles

Biomass (Energy for Keeps), Biomass (pearson)    Bioenergy (textbook entry) - Taylor

Nuclear (Energy for Keeps),  Nuclear (textbook entry) - Emerson

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Turbine Building Contest

You are a mechanical engineer that specializes in fluid motion and building efficient turbines.  Check out this oportunity to compete with fellow mechanical engineers to win a cash prize! (cash prize not real)

Turbine Building Contest