Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Fossil Fuels and Adapting to Extremes

Homework 2/5 ***Finish watching these videos, need to see Sophia and Peyton's.

Possible Solution to the nitrogen issue

BP Oil Spill - Stian, Sophie, Eliza
What caused the spill? What solution was used? What environmental threats are associated with this?
BP Oil Spill additional reading

Canada Tar Sands - Emerson, Taylor
How is oil removed from Tar Sands? What environmental impact is involved?
Tar Sands additional reading

Hydraulic Fracturing - Brooke 2, Sophia
What is fracking?  What environmental risks are associated?
Fracking additional reading

Keystone Pipeline - Phin, Peyton
What is being proposed? What environmental risks accompany oil pipelines?
Transportation and Keystone Pipeline additional reading
Keystone Pipeline Current Events

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