Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Effects of Climate Change

Project Rubric
You will be working in small groups to become an expert on a given Effect of Climate Change.  Research your topic to find:
1- The cause of the observed or predicted change (beyond just rising temperatures)
2- Ecological impacts 
3- Impact on Humans
4- Current events related to this observed or predicted change
5- Possible solutions

As the expert, you will be giving a class on your topic.  Think about making it interactive and interesting for your classmates.  You may present your knowledge in the form of a website, blog, activity, interactive/animation website, prezi, powerpoint presentation, etc...
* You must develop 2-3 deep thinking discussion questions

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
NRDC - Natural Resources Defense Council
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Climate Change - Pearson textbook
Effects of Climate Change - Pearson textbook

Melting Glaciers, Sea Level Rise, and Water Availability - Sophia, Phin
p. 492 Climate Change - Pearson
p. 501 Effects of Climate Change - Pearson

Changes in Precipitation: Flooding or Droughts and impact on Forestry - Stian, Emerson 
p. 492 Climate Change - Pearson
p. 500 Effects of Climate Change - Pearson

Extreme Weather: Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Heatwaves, Wildfires - Sophie, Taylor
p. 500 Effects of Climate Change - Pearson

Ocean Acidification - Brooke, Peyton, Eliza
p. 498-499 Effects of Climate Change-Pearson

Shifting Habitats - Miles
p. 497 Effects of Climate change
shifting habitat

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